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Helping you heal your yesterday for a brighter tomorrow
A universal greeting of peace and love to you and a warm welcome to the virtual home of Healing Elements, physical home is in Cape Town, South Africa.
Using natural elements within our bodies to restore and recalibrate the senses. All healing is an internal process. Something that starts from within and then gradually surfaces to other parts of our experience. It not limited to the physical form it brings together the mind, body, heart, and soul. This often acts as the catalyst to a great amount of healing in our lives.
There are many factors that create disease in our lives, physical injury, infections, emotional pain (both remembered and forgotten) and the general condition of our lives. There exists hundreds if not thousands of methods and modalities to treat and heal ourselves. Many of the mainstream solutions come with their own side-effects.
When we look towards more natural ways of living and healing we find that these side effects are drastically reduced. Within these natural modalities there are those that go back beginning of human existence.
A large part of healing is first of all recognising that we require outside help to being the journey to wellness. Although we have to power within to heal, we all require a guide in accessing this potential and making the best use of it.
Two of these modalities are Energy Healing and Hypnosis. Both of these are a part if every human at a cellular level, we just need to know how to access it.
René Descartes ’ first principle of philosophy states “I think, therefore I am”. For me it is more, “I think, thereby I create”. What we think consciously and subconsciously shapes the life we lead. Having personally experienced the life changing benefits of hypnotherapy over a short period of time.
It drew me towards uncovering the magnitude of healing that can be experienced through hypnosis. Now, years later I can’t explain the immense gratitude I feel when hearing the feedback from my clients as to the positive changes it created in their lives. As a hypnotherapist I am merely a tour guide, guiding my clients towards healing.